850 Properties became an independent Real Estate Brokerage Firm in the year of 2013. Since its inception, 850 Properties has sold more homes in Alys Beach than any other outside Brokerage. Based on the number of transactions, 850 Properties holds 21% of the market share out of the top 10 selling Brokerages in Alys Beach. In 2016, 31 homes in Alys Beach were sold. Of the top 10 Brokerages selling in Alys Beach, only 80% of the Brokerages recorded a sale in Alys Beach last year.

Alys Beach Market Stats

View the most recent sales in Alys Beach

The highest priced sale in Alys Beach, for 2016, was sold by 850 Properties. The sale was 48.1% higher than the average home sale price in Alys Beach for 2016, and the home was sold for 98.9% of the original listing price. The sale was also 18% than the next highest sale, and was on the market for 48.9% less time. 

Alys Beach continues to set new highs for the entire 30A market. The highest price per square foot sale in Alys Beach for 2016 was $1,022.97. On average, for all of 30A, the price per square foot was $393.12 (not saying that Alys Beach is at all comparable to the rest of 30A, but it should put things into perspective). The lowest price per square foot sale in Alys Beach for 2016 was $598.80. Despite the statistics, it goes without saying that Alys Beach is in a league of its own. It is for that reason alone that anyone looking to sell or buy in Alys Beach should consider working with a Brokerage that sells more than any other outside Brokerage. 

Considering Selling? Discover Your Property’s Value

Looking to Purchase? Find A Home in Alys Beach

Interested in More Market Reports

Call us directly for more information:

DEBBIE JAMES +1 (850) 450-2000 

ADAM J. STAHURA +1 (850) 499-2239


Information is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. (c) 2017 MLS and FBS. All the listing data, images, or other materials contained in the ecn.flexmls.com site are the copyrighted ((c)2015 ECARMLS) and confidential material of the Emerald Coast Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (ECARMLAS). Market Penetration Report By Companies. Listing or Selling Companies. Status: Sold. Search Parameters: Property type Residential; Sub-Type of ‘Detached Single Family’; Project Name/Subdivision like Alys Beach. As of Wednesday, January 11, 2017 2:58:14 PM. Date Range: 01/01/2013 to 01/11/2017. Number and Volume Calculated By Sides.