Rosemary Beach Inventory Down

There is a trend going on from Rosemary Beach to Destin FL. INVENTORY IS DOWN!

I’m going to post charts of different communities and areas, over time. Since my office is in Rosemary Beach, I thought that was a great place to start! 🙂

The charts, below, compare the number of months of inventory and the number of homes (units) for sale, from 2008 – 2012, in Rosemary Beach.

2008 was the peak of the financial crisis, foreclosures were at an all time high and the American Public had no faith in the economy. 2010 was the BP Oil Spill, yet inventory was down from the previous year. (In fact my sales grew 30% in 2010). 2011 and 2012 kept improving every month, sales were up and inventory was down.

The first chart shows how the months of inventory of homes, in Rosemary Beach, declined from a high of almost 87 months to about 18 months at the end of 2012. What does months of inventory mean? It is the amount of time it would take to sell all current listings at the current sales pace if no new listings became available.

Rosemary Beach Months Inventory comparisonNext is the chart showing the (average) number of homes per sale, in Rosemary Beach, for the given year. We ended 2012 at 69, and currently there are only 51 homes for sale in Rosemary Beach.

Rosemary Beach Number of Homes for Sale

Whether you are looking to purchase a home in Rosemary Beach, along 30A or in Destin, FL, I can help! Here is some feedback from my very happy Customers!

This link has all the homes for sale in Rosemary Beach. As of today, there are only 6 priced under $1M.

If you have been thinking about purchasing a home in Rosemary Beach, now is the time! Don’t wait or your favorite home will be sold to someone else!


rosemary beach

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