Here along the Emerald Coast, we are beginning to assess our gardens and trying to decide the different types of plants and flowers to grow. You maybe landscaping to enhance your curb appeal (if you are selling your home) or maybe you just want plant different types of flowers which grow well in Florida. Either way, it is important to understand the terrain of the area and what grows the best. We do not want to waste money on flowers and plants that will not flourish in our area’s weather and soil.
The following stats were used to obtain a list of the types of plants and flowers which thrive well along our beautiful Emerald Coast:
- Planting: Native Annual and Perennials
- Soil Moisture: Any
- Soil Texture: Sandy
- Salt Tolerance: Medium
- Sun: Full
These are the suggested flowering plants that are both annual and perennial and are indigenous to our area:
- Century Plant (agave)
- Amaraneth
- Bluestem Grass
- Tickseed
- Crinum Lily
- Blanket Flower
- Swamp Sunflower
- Beach Sunflower
- Spider Lily
- Powder Puff
- Spotted Horsemint
- Goldenrod
- Porterweed
- Coontie
- Rain Lily
- Oleander
Here are some different types of flowers, also Annuals and Perennials:
- Columbine
- Hardy Phlox
- Coreop
- Joe Pye Weed
- Black-eyed Susan
- Petunia
- Orange Cornflower
- Four O’Clock
- Scarlet Sage
- Pot marigold
- Gazania
- Pentas (Starla)
- Gerber Daisies
- Zinnia
- Ixora
Florida Trees and Shrubs:
- Groundsel Tree
- False Rosemary
- Florida Privet
- Hibiscus Mary
- Nell Holly
- Yaupon Holly
- Weeping Lantana
- Wax Myrtle Rose
- Dwarf Palmetto
- Elderberry
- Rusty Blackhaw
- Yucca
- East Palatka Holly
- Nellie R. Stevens Holly
- Dahoon Holly
- Myrtleleaf Holly
- Southern Red Cedar
- Red Cedar
- Sweetgum
- Southern Magnolia
- Tupelo
- Red Bay
- Northern Slash Pine
- Sycamore
- Chickasaw Plum
- White Oak
- Chapman’s Oak
- Southern Red Oak
- Sand Live Oak
- Laurel Oak
- Myrtle Oak
- Live Oak
- Shumard Oak
- Buckthorn
- Pond Cypress
- Chinese Holly
Florida Palm Trees:
- Dwarf Palmetto
- Cabbage Palm (Florida’s official State Tree)
- Saw Palm
- Coontie
Of course, there are many other types of plants and flowers you may try, but the above list has been tested and prove to do well in our sunny, salty air.
After looking at various landscaping design sites on the web, what I found important is to make sure your irrigation system is adequate for the plants and flowers you are introducing to the landscape and to make sure the fertilizer is proper for those plants and flowers.
Planting a garden should give you pleasure. So do not stress. Just make sure you talk to your nursery of choice, purchase the right plants and flowers for your garden and follow the instructions that come with the plants.
Have fun in your garden planting different types of plants and flowers. Mother Nature will take hold and beautify your surroundings!