Paddle Boards and Surf Board Rentals

surf board and paddle board rentalsIt’s summer. The sun is shining. You are at the beach. The waves are gliding in on the Gulf and beckoning you to take a ride. You sit there in your chair and watch the guys and gals glide atop the waves on their surf boards, commanding the water to bring them to the surf’s edge. Wow, what a show! What an experience. Maybe you should try it! You are on vacation.

Or maybe surfing is not your “bag” but this new stand up paddle boarding looks fun. You could try it on the bay or maybe one of those neat coastal dune lakes, Like Oyster Lake or Lake Campbell in Topsail. The waters are calm and it would be easier to control.

If you aren’t ready for stand up paddle boarding, what about sitting in a bright yellow kayak and just meandering around a lake? This would be relaxing and you still get some exercise.

Decisions, decision! Isn’t it nice to have so many choices…stand up paddle boarding, kayaking or surfing?

Check out all the following places to pick from to rent stand up paddle boards, kayaks or surf boards…whatever it is you have decided to do! And to make things even easier, many of these neat places DELIVER for FREE! Just ask!

For you first time surfers and stand up paddle boarders, ask for pointers at the shop or from someone who has surfed or used a stand up paddle board. Don’t get frustrated, it usually takes a few tries before you get up on the surf board and get a quick ride. Stand Up Paddle boarding is also a challenge the first time and takes balance and total concentration. But is it tons of fun and hopefully you will not try this alone. And kayaking, well, that’s an easy one!

Challenging Mother Nature’s waters is something not to be taken lightly and all precautions should be observed. If you venture into the Gulf, remember to follow the flags on the beach. They are there for a reason, to protect you.

Most of all HAVE FUN with your paddle board and surf board! You are on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!


stand up paddle board, surf boards

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